


1. 独大只是土地的信托人而非地主吗?
董总、教总及独大三机构重申,目前位于雪兰莪州乌鲁冷岳加影市8.514依格土地,地契编 号H.S.(D) 6412,是1988年加影华侨学校产业受托会献予独大的地段,当时各媒体都予以报道,独大拥有该地段的地契,是唯一合法地主。这同时也得到加影华侨产业受托会于2023年6月15日发表的声明中,“1988年献地8.5英亩给独立大学有限公司,作为民族教育用途。独立大学有限公司为地段拥有者”,得到有力的佐证,独大是有关土地的地主,并非信托人。

2. 董总在此地段的经营与管理权如何?

3. 董教总教育中心(非营利)有限公司(简称“非营利公司”)是由谁成立?

4. 新纪元大学学院是由谁创办?

5. 董教总教育中心(非营利)有限公司成立初期的董事会结构如何?
1994年8月25日,董总、教总和独大召开会议,交流成立非营利公司事宜,决定由三机构各派出代表五位,出任董事,以筹办公司成立大会。 1994年9月18 日,董总、教总和独大代表在“独大独中加影行政楼”召开会议,讨论成立非营利公司。会上决定由三机构派出15位当然董事名单,即:




6. 董教总教育中心(非营利)有限公司的董事会结构从1994年至今出现什么变化?


7. 董总、教总及独大三机构难道就任由个人把持非营利公司吗?

8. 为何筹建董总华教综合大厦,其用途是什么?
董总、教总和独大三机构在2019年发起筹建 “董总华教综合大厦”,在原址设立一座用以培训师资、批阅统考试卷、巩固及推广华教、促进文化交流的大楼。从民众到学校、华团、公司企业,各界无不踊跃支持响应,不论募款或工程规划都如火如荼,有序进行,相关建筑图测亦已获加影市议会批准。

9. 非营利公司及新纪元大学学院对三机构筹建董总华教综合大厦初期态度及反应如何?
董总、教总和独大三机构发起筹建 “董总华教综合大厦”的消息与新闻,特别是展开一系列的募款行动,都在各大媒体显著的刊出。2022年2月25日,董总行政部代表与新院行政管理层代表进行会面交流时,就曾提供董总华教综合大厦的建设地点及相关图测;自2022年4月开始,董总、教总和独大三机构委派的代表通过数次与非营利公司的负责人交流后,在2022年5月14日安排了董总领导人与非营利公司董事部代表进行正式会面交流。在该次交流会上,非营利公司代表就提出欲在董总华教综合大厦增建空间,以供新纪元大学学院使用,并愿意承担额外增加的费用。董总代表在会上明确提出,非营利公司董事会应积极推进恢复当年原有的组织架构,会上亦初步达成尽快完成董总与新纪元大学学院租约法律文件的共识。

10. 为何非营利公司及新纪元大学学院后来对筹建董总华教综合大厦的态度与反应转变?
2022年7月8日,新纪元大学学院正式来函,要求董总在 “董总华教综合大厦” 内增建4万平方尺的空间供该校作教学用途。董总、教总和独大三机构本着新院的长期发展及师生福利,也期望非营利公司回到成立初衷,恢复董总、教总与独大三机构在非营利公司董事部的主导权,而不是由个人会员主导,以共同为华文教育事业的发展谋求最大利益,积极看待新院来函的要求。不料,就在双方多次商议且未有定案之际,新院却在今年2月19日新春活动发表不符合事实之言论,声称双方已达成协议,同意该校兴建高达十二层的 “南大楼”。董总、教总和独大三机构数度去函要求对方澄清不果,反而在2023年5月19日及6月7日连续接获对方的律师函,要求 “华教综合大厦” 立即停止施工,令人匪夷所思。

11. 董总华教综合大厦 “非法侵占 (unlawfully encroach) ” 新纪元大学学院土地?


Kenyataan Bersama
Persekutuan Persatuan-Persatuan Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Dong Zong) , Gabungan Persatuan Guru-Guru Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Jiao Zong) dan Merdeka University Berhad (MUB)

23 Jun 2023


1. Adakah MUB hanya merupakan pemegang amanah tanah dan bukannya pemilik tanah?
Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB ingin menegaskan bahawa lot tanah bernombor geran H.S.(D) 6412 dan seluas 8.514 ekar yang terletak di Bandar Kajang, Selangor tersebut telah dipinda milik kepada MUB oleh “Pertubuhan Pemegang Amanah Sekolah Hwa Chiau, Kajang” pada tahun 1988 dan ini mendapat liputan meluas media massa ketika itu. MUB memiliki lot tanah tersebut dan merupakan satu-satunya pemilik tanah yang sah. Ini turut disokong oleh kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh “Pertubuhan Pemegang Amanah Sekolah Hwa Chiau, Kajang” pada 15 Jun 2023 bahawa “Lot tanah seluas 8.5 ekar telah dipinda milik kepada MUB pada tahun 1988 untuk tujuan pendidikan Cina. MUB ialah pemilik tanah tersebut.”, ini merupakan bukti sokongan yang menunjukkan MUB ialah pemilik tanah tersebut dan bukan pemegang amanah tanah.

2. Bagaimanakah hak Dong Zong dalam pengendalian dan pengurusan lot tanah ini?
Pada 1 Jun 1991, Dong Zong menandatangani kontrak dengan MUB untuk menyewa tanah tersebut. Kontrak sewa tanah itu menyatakan Dong Zong mempunyai hak penuh ke atas penggunaan dan pengurusan tanah tersebut. Tempoh sewaan tanah itu ialah 30 tahun, sewa tahunan ialah RM 1.00. Penyewaan tanah itu boleh dilanjutkan 30 tahun lagi selepas 30 tahun. Sebelum kontrak sewaan tanah tamat pada tahun 2021, Dong Zong dan MUB menandatangani semula kontrak untuk menyewa tanah tersebut, yang turut memberikan Dong Zong hak penuh ke atas penggunaan dan pengurusan tanah itu selama 30 tahun, sewa tahunan masih RM 1.00, dan sewaan boleh dilanjutkan 30 tahun lagi selepas 30 tahun. Selain itu, MUB juga bersetuju dengan pembinaan Kompleks Pendidikan Serbaguna oleh Dong Zong. Oleh itu, MUB bersama-sama dengan Dong Zong dan Jiao Zong menjalankan perancangan pembinaan kompleks itu sejak tahun 2019.

3. Siapakah yang menubuhkan “Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd”?
Pada 20 Oktober 1993, Dong Zong, Jiao Zong, MUB dan Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Cina dalam mesyuarat bersamanya telah meluluskan cadangan untuk penubuhan Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd. Pengerusi Dong Zong Quek Suan Hiang, Pengerusi Jiao Zong Sim Mow Yu dan Pengerusi MUB Foo Wan Thot pada masa itu merupakan pengasas syarikat tersebut dan mengamanahkan Firma Perakaunan milikan Chiew Soh Eng untuk mengendalikan urusan permohonan pendaftaran syarikat itu agar seterusnya melaksanakan penubuhan sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi di masa hadapan.

Pada 26 Februari 1994, mesyuarat keempat jawatankuasa kerja Jiao Zong penggal ke-42 dalam Agenda 4.6 mesyuaratnya telah mengesahkan pemohonan pendaftaran Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd oleh Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB yang ditandatangani oleh Quek Suan Hiang, Loot Ting Yee dan Foo Wan Thot masing-masing mewakili Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB. Pihak berkuasa secara rasminya meluluskan pendaftaran Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd pada 23 Mac 1994.

4. Siapakah yang menubuhkan Kolej Universiti New Era?
Pada 27 Ogos 1994, Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd mengemukakan permohonan penubuhan kolej kepada pihak pendaftar sekolah dan guru di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM). Atas usaha syarikat itu dan pelbagai pihak, di samping keadaan semasa yang kondusif, maka penubuhan Kolej New Era telah diluluskan secara prinsipnya dalam surat KPM bertarikh 13 Mac 1997 tetapi mesti memenuhi semua syarat yang ditetapkan oleh KPM dalam tempoh satu bulan. Selepas mengendalikan semua urusan dan memenuhi syarat-syarat ditetapkan, maka surat kelulusan rasmi penubuhan Kolej New Era bertarikh 28 Mei 1997 telah disampaikan oleh timbalan menteri pendidikan ketika itu Dr. Fong Chan Onn pada 11 Jun 1997. Permohonan pendaftaran Kolej New Era dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Selangor pada 16 Jun 1997.

Pada 30 September 1997, Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Selangor menyampaikan surat kelulusan pendaftaran Kolej New Era bertarikh 25 September 1997 kepada Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd. Kolej New Era dibuka secara rasminya pada 1 Mac 1998.

5. Bagaimanakah struktur lembaga pengarah pada peringkat awal dalam Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd?
Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB mengadakan mesyuarat untuk membincangkan penubuhan Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd pada 25 Ogos 1994 dan memutuskan setiap organisasi menghantar lima orang wakil selaku pengarah syarikat itu untuk merancang mesyuarat penubuhan syarikat itu. Maka pada 18 September 1994, wakil-wakil Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB mengadakan mesyuarat di Bangunan Universiti Merdeka dan Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Cina di Kajang untuk membincangkan penubuhan Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd. Mesyuarat itu memutuskan ketiga-tiga organisasi menghantar 15 orang wakil sebagai pengarah ex officio, iaitu:

Wakil-wakil Dong Zong: Quek Suan Hiang, Chua Kim Boon, Chin Choong Sang, Yap Sin Tian, Chiew Soh Eng.
Wakil-wakil Jiao Zong: Sim Mow Yu, Ong Chiow Chuen, Loot Ting Yee, Lai Sin Siang, Chen Rong Liang.
Wakil-wakil MUB: Foo Wan Thot, Ngeow Sze Chan, Yap Hong Oon, Lim Fong Seng, Lee Hing.
Mesyuarat itu turut memilih 6 orang pengarah yang dipilih daripada kalangan penaja iaitu Tan Yew Sing, Yang Yun Gui, Goh Kean Seng, Khew Khing Ling, Kong Siw Taw dan Ding Nguk Kong.
Akhirnya, 15 orang pengarah ex officio daripada tiga organisasi itu dan 6 orang pengarah individu yang dipilih membentuk lembaga pengarah Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd penggal pertama. Ahli-ahli lembaga pengarah eksekutif penggal pertama ialah:

Pengerusi: Quek Suan Hiang
Naib Pengerusi: Lim Fong Seng
Setiausaha: Yap Sin Tian
Naib Setiausaha: Tan Yew Sing
Bendahari: Kong Siw Taw
Naib Bendahari: Lai Sin Siang
Pengarah: Loot Ting Yee


6. Apakah perubahan dalam struktur lembaga pengarah Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd sejak tahun 1994?
Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd ditubuhkan pada tahun 1994. Keahliannya terdiri daripada ahli-ahli organisasi dan ahli-ahli individu. Ia hanya mempunyai tiga ahli organisasi iaitu Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB. Keahlian individu terbuka kepada orang ramai. Walau bagaimanapun, Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB sebagai pengasas Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd telah ditetapkan peranan utama mereka dalam Memorandum dan Artikel (M&A) syarikat itu, iaitu Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB masing-masing menghantar 5 orang pengarah yang merangkumi 71.4% daripada jumlah bilangan pengarah dalam lembaga pengarah syarikat itu. Sejak penubuhan syarikat itu, Pengerusi Dong Zong dan Pengerusi Jiao Zong dipilih secara automatik sebagai pengerusi dan naib pengerusi lembaga pengarah Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd, dan jawatan-jawatan penting lain kebanyakannya dijawat oleh wakil-wakil daripada ketiga-tiga organisasi Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB. Struktur dan operasi lembaga pengarah Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd telah berjalan lancar sejak penubuhannya manakala aktiviti-aktiviti di bawah bidang kuasanya, terutamanya pembinaan dan pembangunan Kolej New Era juga mendapat pencapaian yang baik.
Akan tetapi, sejak pergolakan Dong Zong yang tercetus pada tahun 2013, Yap Sin Tian, Chow Siew Hon dan yang lain meminda Memorandum dan Artikel (M&A) Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd. Ini menyebabkan bilangan pengarah individu dalam lembaga pengarah melebihi bilangan wakil Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB. Dua tahun kemudian, Yap Sin Tian, Chow Siew Hon dan yang lain bukan sahaja tidak mahu meletakkan jawatan dalam Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd selepas mereka kalah dalam pemilihan semula Dong Zong, malah mereka meminda Memorandum dan Artikel (M&A) Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd, tidak mengembalikan jawatan pengerusi dan naib pengerusi lembaga pengarah syarikat itu kepada pengerusi Dong Zong dan pengerusi Jiao Zong. Mereka “menswastakan” syarikat itu dengan mengurangkan perwakilan Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB kepada masing-masing dua orang pengarah dan menjadikannya sejumlah 6 orang pengarah sahaja, dan sebaliknya menambah bilangan pengarah individu kepada seramai 29 orang. Ini menjadikan bilangan pengarah individu jauh melebihi bilangan wakil ketiga-tiga organisasi. dan menyebabkan segelintir individu menguasai aset awam pendidikan Cina. Ini bertentangan dengan hasrat asal penubuhan syarikat itu.

Berikut ialah senarai perubahan peratusan perwakilan Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB dalam lembaga pengarah Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd:

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7. Adakah Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB membiarkan individu mengawal Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd?
Pada 2 Januari 2016, Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB masing-masing menulis surat kepada lembaga pengarah Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd sehari sebelum mesyuarat luar biasa Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd untuk membantah percubaan untuk memutarbelitkan sejarah penubuhan Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd dan menguasai lembaga pengarah syarikat itu melalui pengarah individu. Pada 19 Januari 2016, pengerusi lembaga pengarah Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd Yap Sin Tian membalas surat dengan menyatakan “Mengikut Memorandum dan Artikel (M&A) syarikat kami, penandatangan atau pengarah penggal pertama bagi Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd ialah Quek Suan Hiang (ahli perniagaan), Loot Ting Yee (guru bersara) dan Foo Wan Thot (ahli perniagaan).” “Oleh itu, kenyataan dalam surat anda bahawa Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB bersama-sama mengasaskan Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd adalah sangat mengelirukan dan sama sekali tidak munasabah dan tidak wajar.” Sehingga ini, lembaga pengarah Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd yang diketuai oleh Yap Sin Tian dan Chow Siew Hon secara terang-terangan menafikan fakta sejarah Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB sebagai pengasas kepada Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd, dan cuba menggunakan pengarah individu untuk menguasai aset awam, dan tindakan sebegini dijalankan secara terbuka dan tidak berselindung lagi.

Pada 19 Januari 2016, Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB mengadakan sidang akhbar dan menyatakan bahawa ketiga-tiga organisasi itu tidak menerima resolusi mesyuarat luar biasa Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd yang diadakan pada 2 Januari 2016, serta menghantar watikah perlantikan 5 orang wakil bagi setiap organisasi itu melalui saluran undang-undang. Walaupun Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB telah mengambil langkah mahkamah untuk mempertahankan kedudukan ketiga-tiga organisasi dalam Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd, tetapi disebabkan struktur keahlian telah berubah, maka keputusan ahli telah menjadi kunci utama. Akhirnya, Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur pada 1 Ogos 2016, Mahkamah Rayuan Putrajaya pada 15 September 2017 dan Mahkamah Persekutuan pada bulan Januari 2018 telah menolak permohonan oleh ketiga-tiga organisasi.

8. Mengapa membina Kompleks Pendidikan Serbaguna Dong Zong? Aapakah kegunaannya?
Sejak tahun 2019, Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB merancang pembinaan Kompleks Pendidikan Serbaguna Dong Zong di tapak asal untuk melatih guru, menyemak kertas jawapan peperiksaan UEC, mempromosikan pendidikan Cina dan menjalankan pertukaran budaya. Pelbagai lapisan masyarakat sama ada orang ramai, sekolah, pertubuhan Cina, syarikat dan korperat turut memberi sokongan kepada kami. Kutipan dana dan perancangan projek berjalan rancak dan teratur manakala pelan bangunan juga telah diluluskan oleh Majlis Perbandaran Kajang.


9. Apakah sikap dan reaksi awal Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd dan Kolej Universiti New Era terhadap pembinaan Kompleks Pendidikan Serbaguna Dong Zong?
Maklumat dan berita tentang pembinaan Kompleks Pendidikan Serbaguna Dong Zong, terutamanya berkenaan aktiviti-aktiviti kutipan dana mendapat liputan meluas media massa. Pada 25 Februari 2022, wakil-wakil pentadbiran Dong Zong telah membekalkan lokasi tapak pembinaan dan pelan-pelan pembinaan kompleks tersebut semasa bertemu dan berbincang dengan wakil-wakil pentadbiran Kolej Universiti New Era. Bermula pada April 2022, wakil yang dilantik oleh Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB telah beberapa kali berkomunikasi dengan wakil Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd. Pada 14 Mei 2022, satu mesyuarat rasmi telah diatur di antara pemimpin-pemimpin Dong Zong dan wakil-wakil lembaga pengarah Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd. Dalam mesyuarat rasmi itu, wakil Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd mencadangkan pnhyediaan ruang tambahan di kompleks itu untuk kegunaan Kolej Universiti New Era dan sudi menanggung sendiri kos tambahan berkenaan. Wakil Dong Zong dengan jelas menyatakan pada mesyuarat itu bahawa lembaga pengarah Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd harus mengembalikan struktur asal syarikat itu. Konsensus awal telah dicapai berkenaan penyediaan segara dokumen sewaan antara Dong Zong dan Kolej Universiti New Era.

10. Mengapakah Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd dan Kolej Universiti New Era mengubah sikap dan reaksi mereka terhadap pembinaan Kompleks Pendidikan Serbaguna Dong Zong?
Pada 8 Julai 2022, Kolej Universiti New Era menyampaikan surat rasmi untuk meminta Dong Zong menambah ruang tambahan 40,000 kaki persegi di kompleks tersbut untuk tujuan pengajaran dan pembelajarannya. Demi pembangunan jangka panjang Kolej Uuniversiti New Era, kebajikan pensyarah dan pelajarnya, pengembalian kedudukan utama Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB dalam Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd dan bukannya diterajui oleh ahli-ahli individu, dan kerjasama untuk mencapai kepentingan paling besar dalam pembangunan pendidikan Cina, maka Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB melihat permintaan itu secara positif. Kedua-dua pihak telah berbincang berkali-kali tanpa ada sebarang keputusan muktamad, namun Kolej Universiti New Era membuat kenyataan tidak benar di Majlis Sambutan Tahun Baru Cina pada 19 Februari tahun ini, dengan mendakwa bahawa kedua-dua pihak telah mencapai persetujuan bahawa kolej universiti itu akan membina “Bangunan Nantah” setinggi 12 tingkat. Dong Zong, Jiao Zong dan MUB telah beberapa kali menulis surat kepada kolej universiti itu untuk meminta penjelasan tetapi tidak berjaya. Sebaliknya, Dong Zong menerima surat daripada peguam kepada kolej universiti itu yang menuntut pembinaan Kompleks Pendidikan Serbaguna dihentikan serta-merta. Ini amat tidak dapat difahami.



Joint Statement Released by Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad
June 23, 2023


1. Is Merdeka University Berhad the land trustee, but not the land owner?
Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad reiterate herewith, the lot with an area of 8.514 acres located in Kajang (Hulu Langat, Selangor), land deed number H.S. (D) 6412, was donated to Merdeka University Berhad by Kajang Overseas School Property Trust in 1988. The news was widely covered by media back then which evidences Merdeka University Berhad owns and is the sole legal owner of the said lot (henceforth the Lot). Concurrently, the bequeathment was further reconfirmed by the Kajang Overseas School Property Trust in a public statement on 15th June 2023: Hereby in 1988 a lot with 8.5 acres is donated to Merdeka University Berhad for the purpose of vernacular Chinese education. Merdeka University Berhad is the owner of the said lot.” This strongly proves that Merdeka University Berhad is the owner of the Lot, only not the trustee.

2. What is the position of Dong Zong in the business management right of the Lot?
On 1st June 1991, Dong Zong and Merdeka University Berhad signed a land contract on the said lot in which it was stated that Dong Zong can at its own disposal use and manage the Lot. The initial lease term is thirty years, at a yearly rental of RM1; upon expiry, the lease can be extended to another thirty-year term. In 2021, before the lease contract matured, Dong Zong and Merdeka University Berhad had resigned a rental agreement, similarly conferred Dong Zong to use the Lot with full discretion for another thirty years. The yearly rental is likewise RM1; upon expiry, another thirty years is extendable. In addition, Merdeka University Berhad also consented that a Multi-Purpose Complex to be constructed by Dong Zong. In actual fact, Merdeka University Berhad has cooperated with Dong Zong in the preparatory matters of the construction since 2019.

3. Who established Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Center (Non-Profit) Limited Company?
On 20th October 1993, Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad, including Chinese Independent School Working Committee convened a joint meeting and passed an agenda to establish the Non-Profit Company. It was initiated by Dong Zong president Quek Suan Hiang, president of Jiao Zong Sim Mow Yu and president of Merdeka University Berhad Foo Wan Thot, and Chew Saw Eng Accounting Firm was authorised for registration for the further bid of a college operation. On 26th February 1994, in agenda 4.6 of the fourth meeting among the 42th batch Jiao Zong executive members, it was documented clearly that Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad the three institutions co-applied the registration of Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Center (Non-Profit) Limited Company (henceforth Non-Profit Company). Moreover, it was respectively signed by the representative of Dong Zong Quek Suan Hiang, representative of Jiao Zong Loot Ting Yee and the representative of Merdeka University Berhad Foo Wan Thot. In 1994, the registration of the Non-Profit Company was approved officially on the 23rd of March.

4. Who established New Era University College?
On 27th August 1994, the Non-Profit Company sent an operation application of a college to the School and Teacher Registration Unit of the MOE. On 13th March 1997, through unremitting effort and strong argument by the Non-Profit Company and other sectors, let alone the favourable conditions converged, an approval letter with requirements to be fulfilled within one month was issued by the MOE. On 11th June 1997, upon honour of all requirements and proactive effort, the then Deputy Minister of the MOE Fong Chan Onn handed personally the letter of approval for the operation of New Era College dated 28th May 1997 to the Non-Profit Company; on 16th June 1997, a college registration application was sent to the Selangor Education Bureau by the Non-Profit Company in compliance with the directive; on 30th September 1997, a registration approval letter for New Era College dated 24th September was issued to the Non-Profit Company by the Selangor state Education Bureau. On 1st March 1998, New Era College was formally open.

5. What was the preliminary Board Structure of Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Center (Non-Profit) Limited Company?
On 25th August 1994, Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad (henceforth the Three Institutions) met to discuss matters on the setup of the Non-Profit Company. It was decided in the meeting five members to be appointed directors from each of the three institutions respectively; they are to organise a grand meeting for the establishment of the company. On 18th September 1994, the representatives of the Three Institutions gathered in the “Merdeka University Berhad MICSS Kajang Administration Block” to discuss the establishment of the Non-Profit Company. Fifteen members from the Three Institutions were assigned as ex officio directors. They are as follows:

Dong Zong Representatives: Quek Suan Hiang, Chua Kim Boon, Chin Choong Sang, Yap Sin Tian and Chew Saw Eng
Jiao Zong Representatives: Sim Mow Yu, Ong Chiow Chuen, Loot Ting Yee, Lai Sin Siang and Tan Eng Her
Merdeka University Berhad Representatives: Foo Wan Thot, Ngeow Sze Chan, Ye Hong En, Lim Fong Seng and Lee Hing

Concurrently, six members brought forth from the sponsors’ decision were similarly forwarded in the list: Tan Yew Seng, Yong Yoon Koo, Goh Keat Seng, Khew Khing Ling, Kong Siw Taw and Ding Nguk Kong. Finally, the fifteen ex officio directors together with the six individual director members were mandated the 1st batch of the Non-Profit Company Board. Hot on the heels in the meeting on that day, the first batch of executive directors were elected:

President: Quek Suan Hiang
Deputy President: Lim Fong Seng
Secretary: Yap Sin Tian
Deputy Secretary: Tan Yew Seng
Treasure: Kong Siw Taw
Deputy Treasurer: Lai Sin Siang
Director: Loot Ting Yee


6. What changes have taken place in the Board Structure of Dong Jiao Zong Non-Profit Limited Company from 1994 until today?
The Non-Profit Company established in 1994 was formed by both association members and individual members. Association membership comprises only three institutions, namely, Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad; whereas individual membership is open to the general public. Nonetheless, the leading role of the Three Institutions was confirmed by the memorandum and articles of the Non-Profit Company structurally; that said, within the twenty-one Board members of the Non-Profit Company, the five members from each of the Three Institutions board (total: 15) stand the weightage strong of 71.4%. As it goes, since the establishment of the Non-Profit Company, the presidents of both Dong Zong and Jiao Zong are its immediate president and deputy president while other prominent posts are mainly assumed by members from the Three Institutions. Evidence shows the structure and operation of the Non-Profit Company Board have been progressing smoothly, not to mention its businesses and services; in particular, the advancement and development of the New Era University College which had shown gratifying results over the years.

Yet after the chaotic 2013 Dong Zong incident, Yap Sin Tian and Chow Siew Hon together with some others had for many times redrafted the regulations and articles, thus making the individual directors in the Board outnumbered that of the Three Institutions. Within two short years in 2015, Yap Sin Tian and Chow Siew Hon not only refused to step down from president and deputy president post upon losing in the reelection and returned the power to the then presidents of Dong Zong and Jiao Zong, but also in disguised privatised “Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre (Non-Profit) Limited Company” by decreasing the number of directors to two for each of Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad, thus turning the total to six in number. Contrarily, they multiplied the number of individual directors to twenty-nine. In this manner, the total number of individual directors far exceeded the total number of directors from Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad. Simply put, it resulted in ‘minor individuals owning the public property of Chinese Education’ which in fact defied its original intention.

The director board weightage change of the Three Institutions in the Non-Profit Company is shown in the following table:

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7. Do Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad the Three Institutions allow public individuals to dominate the Non-Profit Company?
On 2nd January 2016, prior to the opening of the special plenary meeting convened by the Three Institutions, the Three Institutions had separately submitted letters to the Non-Profit Company to file protest on the tamper intent of the Non-Profit Company led by Yap Sin Tian; Yap and others denied that the Three Institutions had initiated and set up the Non-Profit Company, let alone letting individual directors dominate the Board. On 19th January 2016, the then president of the Non-Profit Company Yap Sin Tian declared in his reply to the Three Institutions as such: “In accordance with the memorandum and articles of our company, the first signatories or first batch directors are respectively Quek Suan Hiang (businessman), Loot Ting Yee (retired teacher) and Foo Wan Thot (businessman).” “Therefore, the statement in your letter arguing that Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad co-established our company (Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Center (Non-Profit) Limited Company) is misleading, unwarranted and incorrect.” Since then, the Non-Profit Company led by Yap Sin Tian and Chow Siew Hon has publicly ignored the historical truth that Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad initiated and co-established the Non-Profit Company. Their intention was to ensure individual directors are at their behest to achieve the motif of grabbing public property as their own which went unabashed publicly.

On 19th January 2016, a joint statement was released by the Three Institutions positing that they firmly could not accept the decision approved on 2nd January 2016 in the special plenary meeting convened by the Non-Profit Company (led by Yap Sin Tian) and had submitted the letter of entrustment for the five representatives appointed by each of the Three Institutions through legal avenue. Notwithstanding the Three Institutions resorted to judicial means to safeguard their right in the Non-Profit Company, yet since the membership structure had been modified in such a way that the decision of the individual members being the crux, thus resulting in dismissal in petition made by the Three Institutions in the high court on 1st August 2016 and in the court of appeal on 15th September 2017, as well as the appeal application submitted in January 2018 in the Federal Court of Malaysia.

8. Why Chinese Education Multi-Purpose Complex was initiated to be constructed and what are its functions?
The Three Institutions Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad initiated the construction of the “Dong Zong Chinese Education Multi-Purpose Complex”, that is, to build on the original location a complex for the purposes of teacher education and UEC paper marking, including the consolidation as well as promotion of Chinese education and uphold of cultural interaction. Enthusiastic supports inundated from the general public to institutions, Chinese associations, private companies and enterprises. Indeed, fundraising and construction planning are in progress and in single file, not to mention that the Kajang municipal council had approved its architectural design and drawing.

9.How was the response of the Non-Profit Company and New Era University College towards the construction of the Multi-Purpose Complex initiated by the Three Institutions?
Ever since the Three Institutions Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad initiated the construction of the “Dong Zong Chinese Education Multi-Purpose Complex”, media have widely covered the news, in particular of its series fundraising events. On 25th February 2022, when the administration delegates from Dong Zong interacted with New Era University College administration representatives, relevant architectural design and drawing for the Multi-Purpose Complex were given to New Era University College. Since April 2022 onwards, the appointed delegates from the Non-Profit Company had exchanged views several times with the Three Institutions representatives and came up with a suggestion for both sides to have a formal interaction on May 14th. In that meeting, the Non-Profit Company representatives raised the issue of constructing additional space on the complex afforded by them to fulfill the academic needs of New Era University College. In response, representatives from Dong Zone clearly posited that the Non-Profit Company needed to proactively resume the initial structure of its Board. Moreover, preliminary awareness was reached on the expedite completion of a legal lease document between Dong Zong and New Era University College.
10. Why did the attitudes and response of both Non-Profit Company and New Era University College change on the construction of the Multi-Purpose Complex?

On 8th July 2022, New Era University College posted a letter requesting Dong Zong to additionally constructed 40,000 square feet of space for its academic use. As a matter of fact, the Three Institutions has always kept the long term progress and welfare of New Era University College’s teachers and students at heart, as well as hoping that the Non-Profit Company will persist its original intention by returning the leadership of Non-Profit Company to the Three Institutions, only not letting ‘minority lead the public property of Chinese Education’; it is, in a way to leverage the best interest of Chinese education together and proactively look into the needs of New Era University College. While the negotiation was unsettled despite a couple of meetings, New Era University College pronounced unfounded statement on 19th February 2023 during the Chinese New Year celebration activity, asserting both sides (The Three Institutions and New Era University College) had come to an agreement to construct a 12-storey “Nanyang University Complex”. Learning this, Dong Zong, Jiao Zong and Merdeka University Berhad had written several times for clarification but to no avail. On both 19th May and 7th June 2023, incomprehensible letters were received by Dong Zong, demanding the immediate cease of the construction.

11. Does the Chinese Education Multi-Purpose Complex unlawfully encroach New Era University College’s land?
As mentioned earlier, Merdeka University Berhad the land owner, from 1991 to 2021 had twice signed a thirty-year lease document in which Dong Zong was authorized to be the user and manager of the said Lot. New Era University College, a generated higher learning institution by the Non-Profit Company formed by the Three Institutions is genuinely the public property of Chinese Education. Attributed to the fact that the Non-Profit Company is dominated by minority with ulterior motives, New Era University College is hijacked so to say. Though no lease contract is signed, the Three Institutions has always kept Chinese Education at heart while looking forward to a solution; they in fact still allow New Era University College to use the land and blocks for education free of charge. Now that a private limited company (Non-Profit Company) making use of others’ land turns out to accuse the land owner of unlawful encroachment of its land. It is, honestly speaking, nothing but a defiance of jurisprudence.